Sleeping Well Important for Skin Health

A good night sleep plays a critical role in many vital functions including immune function, memory, learning and metabolism. Sleep deprivation leads to tiredness which impacts a person’s judgment, problem-solving and creativity. Studies have linked chronic sleep deprivation to medical problems such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and immune deficiency. But did you know that skin …

Regular Exercise for an Improved Figure and Radiant Complexion

Regular exercise helps burn extra calories, promotes heart health and keeps obesity at bay. But do you know that exercise offers beauty benefits too? Yes, it gives you a glowing complexion and improves skin tone and texture too. Here’s how exercise works to make you look more beautiful: Have you noticed an instant glow on …

Exercising – Don’t Forget the Warm-Up and Cool-Down

We all know the role that regular exercise plays in keeping us fit, healthy and in shape. However, even people who exercise on a consistent basis tend to ignore one golden rule of exercise – warm-up before the activity and cool-down afterwards. Experts say that beginners, seasoned pros, and just about anyone who exercises should …

Vegetarian Diet May Cut Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Says New Study

In the United States, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death. Colorectal screening tests help detect precancerous polyps and helps save lives. However, as with other chronic medical conditions, the focus is on prevention. Now, a new dietary study says that a vegetarian diet could help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer …