Study: 30 is the Age When Women Feel the Most Beautiful

The common belief is that women are overly concerned about aging and do everything they can to retain their youthful looks. However, according to a recent survey conducted in the U.K., women’s perceptions about aging are changing. The Daily Mail reported that results of the survey: women are now feeling more positive about the aging …

September 26, 2015 is National Family Health and Fitness Day

Everyone knows that the key to health and fitness is eating right and exercising regularly. But how many of us observe these golden rules? Well, if you don’t, this is a good time to start. September 26, 2015, the last Saturday of the month, is Family Health & Fitness Day in the USA. The objective …

More Fat Loss with Low-fat Diet than with Low-carb Diet, says New Study

The low-fat vs. low-carb diets is a never-ending battle. Science Daily reports that researchers with the National Institutes of Health claim that a low fat diet can help you get rid of more fat than a low-carb one. Their study showed that even when a low-carb diet reduced insulin and increased fat burning, restricting dietary …