7 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Testing your Blood Sugar Level

Type 2 diabetes is sweeping in the United States as more and more people are diagnosed with the condition. Good blood sugar control requires good blood sugar testing. Testing regularly shows how diet, exercise, and other factors affect your blood sugar. Many people check their blood glucose levels at home. However, making small mistakes when …

Plastic Surgery Diet: What to eat Before and After your Procedure

Maintaining a nutritious diet prior and after your plastic surgery can speed recovery and improve your immune system. A body fortified with more nutrients will be better prepared to handle surgery and speed up healing and recovery. Certain foods can minimize digestive problems caused by antibiotics and prevent constipation caused by pain medications. After the …

Fight Cellulite Naturally with a Healthy Diet

Cellulite, the unsightly bumps that appear on the hips, thighs and buttocks, is a combination of dimpling, loose skin and swollen fat pockets. This problem is the results of internal dermatological fat accumulation and affects the vast majority of women and some men too. Other factors such as heredity factors, along with hormonal imbalance, lack …

How to Stay Active when Living with Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a chronic condition in which the bones become brittle, weak and easily damaged or broken. It occurs due to decreased bone tissue mineralization and bone strength over time. Bone loss is caused by aging and women are affected earlier and to a greater extent than men. Osteoporosis increases risk of fracture. Exercise is …