Want Healthy, Youthful Looking Skin? Avoid these Habits! [Infographics]

All women want to look young as they feel and establishing a good skin care regimen is an important step towards achieving this goal. However, many women complain that they don’t see the results even when they have an effective skin care regimen. The reason could be that some unhealthy habits are taking a toll …

5 Simple Ways to Promote Wellness in Your Workspace

You spend a lot of time at your workplace and so it’s very important to create and promote a healthy atmosphere there. Stress can not only affect your performance, but also lead to several health conditions such as depression, hypertension, diabetes and so on. With the rising healthcare costs and health issues, promoting wellness and …

Things You need to Know about Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention

According to breastcancer.org, about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Currently, the average risk of a woman in the US developing breast cancer sometime in her life is about 12%. Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer found in …

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy and Beautiful [Infographics]

Beautiful-looking feet are important when it comes to an overall attractive appearance. Unfortunately, our feet are very often neglected and may not look their best. Lack of care could result in dry, hard skin with calluses or even fungus attack. You want your feet to look good when you wear open footwear such as sandals …

Fitness Strategies for People with a Busy Lifestyle

To be physically inactive is as damaging to your health as smoking cigarettes. According to the Physical Activity Council’s annual study that tracks sports, fitness and recreation participation in the U.S., up to 27.5 percent people ages 6 and older did not participate in any physical activity in 2016. Decline in physical activity has led …