Important Things to know about Root Vegetables

Dietary experts recommend making vegetables a mainstay on our menus. Many people love root vegetables but are confused as to their impact on health. Due to their high nutritional content, Harvard Health Online points out that root vegetables play a major role in cuisine trends like the “vegetable forward” movement and root-to-stem cooking (which uses …

Ingrown Hair – Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies

Ingrown hair is hair that has curled up and grown back into the skin instead of growing outwards. Also known as razor bumps, ingrown hair looks like a small pimple. Pus can build up inside the bump, causing redness, swelling, inflammation, pain and irritation. The condition occurs most frequently where people shave or wax to …

Breast Changes that Occur during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time where a women’s body goes through myriad physical changes. Apart from the expanding belly and weight gain, the body part that undergoes the most changes are the breasts. Hormone oestrogen is responsible for breast development and enlargement during pregnancy, which is normal as your body gets ready for lactation. Knowing about …