January 22-27 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) will be observed from January 22-27, 2019. NDAFW is a national health observance week that provides the opportunity to link teens to science-based facts to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drugs and alcohol use. Teens, scientists and other experts will come together to discuss how drugs affect the brain, …

Short High-Intensity Exercise are equal to Long Moderate Exercise, Says Study

Exercise is a crucial element of a healthy lifestyle, offering both immediate and long-term benefits. Routine exercise improves strength and cardiovascular endurance, helps weight loss, and decreases health risks. Exercise can broadly be split into three categories: low-intensity, moderate-intensity, and high intensity. It is generally believed that moderate intensity exercise (recommended for at least 30 …

8 Tips to Boost Bone Strength Naturally [Infographic]

The bones support the body and keeping them strong and healthy is important. Poor bone health, aging and loss of bone mass increases the risks of developing osteoporosis, which can result in painful fractures of the hip, wrist, or spine. The good news is that proper nutrition and lifestyle habits can help you build and …

January Is National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma is a disease that damages your optic nerve. It’s a condition wherein pressure (usually) builds up and damages the eye’s optic nerve, which leads to vision loss and blindness. According to an article from the GLAUCOMA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, currently more than 3 million people in the United States have glaucoma. The National Eye Institute …