Nine Tips To Prevent The Spread Of Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are a threat to human race. Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites and can be transmitted from person to person or from insects, animals, birds and sometimes through contaminated food or water. Every infectious disease has different symptoms and if not treated properly it can …

Nine At-Home Workouts To Strengthen Your Arms


Regular exercise is essential to stay fit both physically and mentally. Any form of physical energy boosts energy and can make you feel strong and active throughout the day. Although many people spend hours working out, they often ignore arm workouts. Effective arm workouts included maximizing the muscular pump of the biceps and triceps Arm …

August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM)

National Immunization Awareness Month

Immunization is essential for a healthy life and vaccination must be prioritized to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from avoidable diseases. Vaccines play a key role in preventing serious and even deadly diseases across the lifespan. As we confront and battle the deadly coronavirus pandemic, raising public awareness and decreasing vaccine hesitancy is …

6 Top Tips to Stay Healthy at Work


Sitting for hours and hours in a chair in front of a computer can have negative consequences for your health. Continuous sitting affects your posture, mental health, stress levels and can also increase risks of heart disease and various musculoskeletal conditions. With the increasing awareness of such issues, many companies are prioritizing health and wellness …

June 12 is Family Health and Fitness Day

Health and Fitness Day

Each year, the second Saturday in June is celebrated as Family Health and Fitness Day. Organized by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), this special day aims at promoting family involvement in physical activities and keeping families and communities healthy. It promotes the importance of parks and recreation in keeping communities healthy. Public parks …

June is Observed as Men’s Health Month

Men’s Health

Each year, June is observed as Men’s Health Month to spread awareness about preventable health issues and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and depression among men and boys. Hosted by Men’s Health Network since 1992, this observance focuses on enhancing men’s health and wellness. The official symbol for …