6 Tips To Reduce Back Pain Caused By Large Breasts

Back Pain

Breast development is a normal process that occurs throughout most of a woman’s span. Problems can occur when you develop overly large breasts. Your body will find it hard to support breasts that are excessively large and this can lead to severe back and neck pain. While breast reduction surgery is considered the best option to resolve this concern, there are several natural methods to reduce breast size.

Factors That Affect Breast Size

We generally consider back pain as being caused by injuries, accidents, or rigorous physical activities/workouts. But for women, breast size is often the reason for this problem. Factors that can cause the breasts to enlarge over time include:

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Genetics
  • Breastfeeding
  • Food habits

In addition to upper and lower back pain, excessively large breasts can cause headaches, neck pain, and postural issues.

Breast Size and Back Pain

Overly large breasts can cause heaviness in the chest area. If the surrounding muscles are weak and cannot provide enough support, it can lead to severe pain and discomfort. Large breasts can also make some people more self-conscious and they may lean forward to hide them, which increases the chance of severe back pain. Tight bra straps can also worsen the back pain.

Problems Caused by Heavy Breasts

Heavy Breasts

6 Tips to Reduce Breast Size

Following these tips can help overcome issues related to the overly large breasts.

  • Exercise regularly
  • Follow a proper diet
  •  Appropriate clothes and dressing style
  • Increase water intake
  •  Massage
  •  Consult a nutritionist

Exercise regularly:

Excess weight gain can affect a person’s breast size. Regular exercise can help reduce fat accumulation in the breasts. Burning more calories than you eat is the first step to reduce breast size. Doing workouts can help reduce fat deposits in the breast area. Fitness experts recommend these exercises to reduce breast size:

  • Wall Pushups
  • Shoulder press.
  • Pushups
  • Jogging
  • Side raise.
  • Dumbbell pullover.

Follow a proper diet

A proper diet can help you maintain a proper weight. It can prevent fat from accumulating in the breast area. Maintain a healthy balanced diet with these foods:

  • Fresh fruit including citrus fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Fish
  • Lean Meat
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Honey

In addition to this, limit the intake of fried foods that increase body weight and fat deposits.

Wear suitable clothes

Dressing appropriately can help. Colors like dark black, blue and grey shades can hide contours and shadows and make you look leaner. This will prevent you from leaning forward to hide your large breasts. Use suitable undergarments that can provide proper support to the chest.

Increase water intake

Proper hydration can suppress your cravings and reduce unwanted calorie intake. Your body needs water to burn fat and water can stimulate your metabolism.


This is a natural method to reduce breast size. Massaging your breasts can reduce the fat deposited in the breast tissue. Daily or weekly massage can provide great results.

Consult a nutritionist

An efficient nutritionist can guide you about a proper diet that can help reduce those fat deposits. Maintaining your weight can gradually reduce breast size.

All these techniques can help you to reduce breast size naturally. If they don’t work, consider getting breast reduction surgery.