Calves Liposuction with BodyTite in NYC

Most people are concerned about improving the appearance of their legs and correcting discrepancies in the appearance between the legs. Liposuction of the calves using BodyTite can reduce and eliminate the excess fatty tissue and can improve the calf contour.
BodyTite liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure can also remove unwanted and stubborn fat from various body areas such as the face, neck, chin, upper arms, abdomen, love handles, hips, inner thighs, knees, and buttocks.
At bodySCULPT® in NYC, our plastic surgeons are experts in using the FDA-approved minimally-invasive BodyTite device to effectively remove fat and tighten loose skin. Ours is the only BodyTite-certified Center of Distinction in Manhattan, NYC.
Our plastic surgeons, Dr. Spero Theodorou and Dr. Christopher T. Chia, have performed the highest number of BodyTite procedures in the U.S.
Watch a live video of Dr. Christopher Chia performing BodyTite calf liposuction on a 40-year-old patient.

To schedule your consultation with our plastic surgeon in NYC, call 212-265-2724 or send an email to