New Study: Drinking Plain Water Helps Weight Loss

Everybody knows that drinking water is important for good health. However, though all Americans have access to clean drinking water, most people prefer to guzzle beverages like coffee, tea, juices and sodas. What is worrying is the fact that we continue to ignore health care experts’ warnings about how calorie-loaded beverages can affect our wellbeing. …

Celebrate Women’s Healthy Weight Day on January 23

Women’s Healthy Weight Day is celebrated on January 23, 2016. The goal of this observance is to spread the awareness among women about the importance of developing healthy life style habits and maintaining a healthy weight. While learning to love and appreciate their bodies, women also need to understand what a healthy weight means and …

Men and Weight Loss – What to Eat to Stay Slim and Healthy

Doctors usually recommend a healthy diet together with regular exercise to lose weight and stay slim and healthy. The many changes in lifestyle have contributed to excessive weight gain in men and women and people are looking for smart ways to restore their toned looks. According to experts, the diet chart for men and women …

Study Says Breast Cancer Survivors May Gain Weight at a Higher Rate

A new study on breast cancer survivors has found that this group had more of a chance to gain weight at a higher rate than their cancer-free peers. The report says that cancer survivors with a family history of the disease, including those who carry BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, gained more weight than cancer-free …