Premature Skin Aging – Causes And Prevention Tips [INFOGRAPHIC]

Premature Skin Aging

Depletion of collagen and environmental factors can result in drier, thinner skin, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. As the outermost part of the body, the skin protects your body from harsh sun rays, pollutions and other toxins that are present in the atmosphere. Taking good care of your skin is necessary to protect it …

10 Summer Skin Care Tips for a Healthy, Glowing Look [INFOGRAPHIC]

ummer Skin Care Tips

The skin is prone to many problems like sunburns, itchy rashes, fungal infections, and so on during the summer season. The heat can really dehydrate you, causing sweating and making your skin prone to all kinds of problems. To avoid this, you need to take good care of your skin. Here are 10 important skin …

12 Natural Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Your Skin

Premature Aging

Many people look older than they really are. With today’s hectic lifestyles, we really don’t get time to take care of our skin even if we want to. The environment and lifestyle habits can cause premature aging. To maintain the skin’s youthful appearance and prevent premature aging, you have to incorporate healthy practices in your …

Important Tips to Maintain Healthy and Glowing Skin in Summer

Skin in Summer

In summer, your skin is prone to many problems like sunburns, itchy rashes, fungal infections and so on. The summer season can really dehydrate you, because you sweat so much. When the skin gets dehydrated, it becomes more sensitive. It makes your skin acne prone, dry, and what not. So here are some things you …

Top 10 anti-aging foods for glowing, younger looking skin

anti-aging foods

When you eat good food, your body will show its appreciation through your skin. Aging and environmental factors take a toll on our skin. Many women depend on countless beauty products like lotions, creams, etc., to fight aging, but it’s actually what you eat that really matters when it comes to preserving the quality of …

Common Skin Care Myths and the Facts [INFOGRAPHIC]

Skin Care Myths and the Facts

We are exposed to lot of skincare information, especially on the Internet. There are plenty of misconceptions about what should and shouldn’t be used on skin. Knowing the difference between myth and fact can lead to better decisions when caring for your skin. Here are some common skincare myths that you need to stop believing. …

Aloe Vera: 10 Ways to Use This Wonder Plant in Your Beauty Routine

Aloe Vera

Discovered in ancient Egypt, aloe vera has since been used as a healing treatment for burns, inflammation, irritation and other severe topical injuries. For this reason, it was considered a “plant of immortality”. Its antibacterial, soothing properties make it perfect for a variety of cures. As it also contains a plenty of valuable compounds such …