1,000 Consecutive Cases of Laser- Assisted Liposuction and Suction-Assisted Lipectomy Managed With Local Anesthesia

Enlightening Combo

Cosmetic Surgery Times features an article entitled “Enlightening Combo – Liposuction with laser assistance and local anesthesia proves safe and effective” highlighting the review of 1,000 laser-assisted liposuction cases performed by Dr. Christopher Chia and Dr. Spero Theodorou.

Enlightening Combo

bodySCULPT® Sponsors V Del Sol, Red Carter, Poko Pano, Tibi at Mercedes- Benz Fashion Week Swim Miami 2010

Cosmetic surgery clicks on to virtual nip and tuck

(CNN) — Nip-tuck tourism is already well-ensconced in its ways, but technology used to give prospective clients a user-friendly yet professional virtual space to explore their options is starting to break the skin of the industry.

Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery