bodySCULPT® plastic surgeon Dr. Spero Theodorou will be attending the 23rd Annual Dallas Cosmetic Surgery™ and Medicine Meeting scheduled to be held on March 11 and March 12, 2020 at the Westin Galleria Dallas, Dallas.

The main objective of the Dallas Cosmetic Meeting is to teach physicians and residents how to achieve safe and reproducible aesthetic results. On March 11, 2020, Dr. Theodorou will be a moderator for the topics “Non‐invasive Body Contouring/Skin Tightening/PRP: Which Device Is A Game Changer In My Practice” and “Minimally Invasive Approaches to Face Contouring: Minimally Invasive Contouring/Skin Tightening – What Works, What’s Still Missing“. Also he will give lecture on the topic “What’s New in Non‐Surgical Face Tightening?“