What Are The Options To Reduce Male Breast Enlargement?

Options To Reduce Male Breast Enlargement?Breast enlargement in men aka Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs due to the presence of excess fatty and glandular tissue in the chest area. Hereditary factors, hormonal changes, obesity or the use of certain drugs can lead to breast enlargement in men. Though it is not usually a medical concern and may not pose any health issues, the condition can affect a man’s confidence and self-esteem. So, to address this condition, there are four different options available. One of them is male breast reduction in NYC, which is an effective option provided by reliable plastic surgery practices.

Overly developed male breasts or Gynecomastia is a condition that can affect men of all ages – adolescents as well as middle-aged and older men. According to Medical News Today, approximately 30% of males will have some form of Gynecomastia at some point in their life. Most boys tend to experience some changes to their breasts during puberty, which typically resolves in 2 or 3 years. But for some the condition persists.

Depending on the cause, there are some options that people can try to reduce the puffiness, such as improving their diet and exercising more. In other cases, surgery may be an option.

The following are some options to treat puffiness in the chest area for men:

  • Take a look at your diet: Excess fat stored in the chest area is the cause of puffy nipples. Sometimes, making improvements in your diet may help reduce breast enlargement because this condition is due to the result of too much estrogen and fat. So, try to aim to eat a balanced diet, because mindful eating will also help you get fit and stay in shape.

For a balanced diet, try:

  • Limiting sodium intake
  • Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Eating whole grains instead of white breads and pastas
  • Avoiding soy products and grains
  • Swapping full fat dairy products for low fat versions
  • Eating lean proteins, such as beans and fish
  • Eliminating processed foods and foods loaded with added sugars

According to Healthline, try adding some testosterone-rich foods to your diet such as garlic, ginger, tuna, low-fat milk, egg yolks, beans, blueberries, oysters, shellfish, beef, cruciferous vegetables and macadamia nuts. However, before making major dietary changes, you should speak to a doctor or nutritionist.

  • Regular exercising and target lifting: Along with improving the diet, exercising and trying targeted lifting routines could help reduce gynecomastia. That is, some exercises and workouts can help reduce the amount of male breast fatty tissue in obese patients, but it will only have little effect upon gynecomastia. However, in answer to patient questions on this matter on the RealSelf platform, expert surgeons point out that Gynecomastia cannot be corrected with chest exercises. While exercises might mask limited Gynecomastia for a period of time, neither exercise nor dietary changes can address it.
  • Use of supplements to boost testosterone: Some suggest taking certain herbal supplements can help boost testosterone levels that may in turn reduce the appearance of puffy nipples. But then, there is very little evidence to prove this.
  • Counseling: As Gynecomastia is often a cosmetic concern, some people only require reassurance and counseling.

While minor cases of Gynecomastia can be resolved (not completely) with diet, exercises and/or medications, excessive glandular tissue or excess skin requires surgery.

Overdeveloped male breasts are the result of a combination of glandular and fatty tissue, which occurs during infancy and puberty especially due to hormonal changes. As a result, it will not be affected by either weight loss or strengthened pectoral muscles. Indeed, building up the pectoral muscles may actually make the appearance of Gynecomastia even more evident, as this will cause the chest to project out even further. The bottom line is that male breast reduction surgery is the most effective treatment for Gynecomastia.

  • Surgery: Even though Gynecomastia is not a serious medical concern, treatment may be necessary if Gynecomastia doesn’t improve on its own or if it causes significant pain, tenderness or embarrassment.Some surgical options include a tissue excision (surgeon making small incisions to remove breast tissue), liposuction and non-invasive fat reduction methods. If Gynecomastia poses severe issues, then mastectomy is recommended by surgeons.

Male breast reduction is generally the viable solution an ideal candidate can opt for. Though conventional Gynecomastia treatment can provide the desired results, today, expert plastic surgeons use advanced technologies such as BodyTite RFAL (radiofrequency assisted liposuction) device or the Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction device for male breast reduction in NYC. Both these modalities are designed to provide effective fat reduction as well as significant skin contraction safely and effectively. It also improves the appearance and position of the areolas and gives a more natural male chest contour. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and side effects such as bleeding and swelling are minimal.

Before recommending Gynecomastia treatment, the physician will make sure that your breast swelling is due to Gynecomastia and not any medical condition.

Options To Reduce Male Breast Enlargement

Choosing the right surgeon is crucial to determine which treatment option is ideal for your breast enlargement condition. For male breast reduction in Manhattan, make sure that the surgeon you choose has extensive experience in performing the procedure. In an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice, you can expect end-to-end care and support all through the treatment, right from the initial consultation up to full recovery.