What is the Recovery Period for BodyTite?

Body contouring has become much easier than ever before with the development of advanced techniques. Performed using local anesthesia, minimally invasive techniques such as BodyTite in NYC allow plastic surgeons to provide excellent results with minimal downtime and short recovery. BodyTite is a versatile minimally invasive modality that utilizes patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to provide safe, gentle, and effective body contouring. Though the procedure comes with shorter downtime and recovery period, most patients want to know how long it would take to heal from BodyTite.


The highly efficient FDA-approved BodyTite device employs RFAL technology to selectively remove excess fat deposits from the upper arms. It allows you to achieve your body contouring goals without scars, along with up to 40% more skin tightening effects than conventional liposuction. Expert surgeons perform the procedure under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, avoiding the usual risks associated with general anesthesia.

Slight discomfort, tenderness, and bruising is to be expected, but these side effects will subside soon. Your New York City plastic surgeon may recommend wearing a special compression garment for a few weeks after the procedure to compress the post-op swelling and contour the skin around the treatment site. Initial results can be seen immediately after the procedure, with the best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks.

Generally, recovery after RFAL is far quicker and less uncomfortable than with conventional liposuction. BodyTite involves only minimal surgical trauma and downtime and patients generally return to their routine activities within 48 hours. Most patients achieve full recovery in a couple of days. However, recovery time and results will vary based on individual considerations such as the area treated and the amount of fat removed. Larger areas will need longer recovery time.

One study found that 81% patients returned to work within 1-3 days of the procedure. Expert plastic surgeons advise patients to follow the golden rule: “let your body be your guide with respect to the degree of exertion”.

If you are considering BodyTite in NYC, schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice. The success of BodyTite liposuction treatment largely depends on having it performed by a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon. An expert plastic surgeon will assess your needs and anatomical considerations, and provide customized treatment. Moreover, in an accredited practice, you can expect end-to-end care and support all through the treatment, right from the initial consultation till complete recovery.