What Areas Can Bodytite Treat?

Today, many people are opting to have liposuction treatment to get rid of stubborn fat pockets, tighten loose skin, and achieve a well-shaped body. BodyTite in NYC is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that uses patented radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to address unwanted fat and lax skin. Performed using local anesthesia, BodyTite allows for safe, gentle, and effective body contouring and comes with minimal downtime and short recovery.


This RF-assisted procedure can treat a multitude of body areas from the chin to the ankle. BodyTite can remove fat and tighten tissues in the face (FaceTite), abdomen, flanks (waist), love-handles, breasts (BodyTite Perky Lift), and thighs, back, arms and knees Leading NYC plastic surgeons, Drs. Spero Theodorou and Christopher T. Chia of bodySCULPT in NYC, are inventors of BodyTite on Arms, a scarless arm lift procedure.

One of the major benefits of this procedure is that, along with effective fat removal, it can also provide 40% more skin tightening than traditional liposuction treatment without lengthy recovery time or complex surgical techniques. Other benefits of this breakthrough body remodelling procedure include:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Requires only local anesthesia or light sedation
  • Significant fat reduction and body firming – no lumpy irregularities
  • Controlled heat generation
  • Visible skin tightening through renewed collagen production
  • Reduced surgical trauma
  • Procedure time takes only 30-45 minutes
  • Virtually painless
  • Short downtime, does not require overnight stay
  • Less scarring
  • Quick healing

The BodyTite procedure starts with the plastic surgeon marking the area to be treated and administering local anesthesia. A tiny incision will be created to insert the BodyTite handpiece into the subcutaneous tissue and RF energy is delivered to target and liquefy the subcutaneous fat, allowing it to be easily removed. The procedure coagulates the blood vessels, and tightens the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. RFAL energy passes from an internal cannula to an external electrode and the powerful heating action allows the surgeon sculpt the body to a naturally-beautiful shape and minimize the appearance of wrinkling and sagging. BodyTite liposuction provides smooth, attractive, natural looking outcomes.

BodyTite can treat deep fat up to 50 mm, and control heating so that large volume contraction is consistent. The procedure also allows focused treatment of all large volume areas and avoids over-treatment or under-treatment.

Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, not everyone is an ideal candidate. A healthy person with localized areas of excess fat and good quality skin with moderate laxity is considered a good candidate for this procedure. The best candidates are within 30% of their ideal weight.

BodyTite results are patient specific and completely depend on the treatment area and amount of fat removed. Generally, results can be seen immediately, though optimal results are usually seen 3-6 months after the treatment.

If you are considering BodyTite in NYC, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. The success of BodyTite liposuction treatment largely depends on having it performed by a well-trained and skilled plastic surgeon. An expert plastic surgeon will assess your needs and anatomical considerations, and provide customized treatment.