Vaser Hi Def – What Does The Procedure Involve?

Today, more and more men and women are turning to liposuction to get rid of stubborn fat and achieve a well-shaped body. Vaser liposuction in NYC is a specialized procedure that does more than just remove fat. This highly selective liposuction technique sculpts the underlying musculature and allows your plastic surgeon to provide you with a sleek, athletic-looking physique.

Vaser Hi Def Liposuction

The treatment for women is different from that for men as the male and the female physique is different. In men, hi-def lipo accentuates the muscles to provide six pack abs and creates a toned, contoured and athletic appearance. In women, VASER hi def lipo is modified to address specific areas and provide an athletic, sculpted look, but with slightly softer and more feminine appearance

What is Hi Def VASER lipo?

VASER – Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance – is a specialized ultrasound technology that breaks down unwanted fat by sending out ultrasonic frequency waves, making it easier to suction off. VASER hi def liposuction removes the fat while leaving all other important tissues (nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues) intact. It also tightens the skin and provides smoother results than conventional liposuction. With its precise capabilities, the treatment removes fat from body areas such as the abdomen, back, breasts, buttocks, face, flanks, hips, neck, knees and upper arms, and allows the surgeon to sculpt and define the underlying muscles.

How the Treatment Works

The procedure begins with the surgeon numbing the area with a special saline solution. The small probe of the VASER device is then inserted into the site through a small incision to deliver high frequency sound waves into the fatty tissue. The vibrations cause the fat cells to shake apart and mix with the saline solution, and the liquefied fat is then removed from the body using a special cannula. The procedure removes fat around muscle groups to enhance the visibility of the underlying musculature and provide a trim, athletic-looking appearance.

Hi def VASER lipo can treat all areas such as the thighs, love handles, arms, chest, neck, knees, and calves. Since the male and female physiques are different and depending on the patient’s gender, a skilled plastic surgeon will target specific areas more aggressively.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Though the procedure is minimally-invasive, not every person is a good candidate. Generally, the ideal patient is a person who is healthy, in good physical shape, works out regularly, has good quality skin elasticity, and a moderate amount of excess fat.

Recovery: What to Expect

After the procedure, following the prescribed recovery regimen is crucial for smooth healing and optimal results. The procedure usually involves a minimum of 12 hours downtime and about 2-3 weeks of rest. Your surgeon may advise wearing a special compression garment to improve your body contouring results. Avoid exercise and all kinds of strenuous activities till your body heals properly.

Final results will be seen in six months. Results are generally permanent, as the fat cells that are removed do not return and the overlying skin tightens up, creating a shrink-wrap effect. The results of your VASER Hi def treatment will last as long you maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are considering Vaser Liposuction in NYC, consult an experienced plastic surgeon in NYC who works in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility.

It is important to have your cosmetic procedure performed by a skilled surgeon with extensive experience in using this novel technique. Only an expert would know exactly how the superficial anatomy influences external appearance and have the surgical skills and artistic vision to provide superior body sculpting results. It is also important to have a good understanding of the Vaser lipo procedure.

Feel confident in your skin – sculpt your body with Vaser liposuction.

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