Top Tips for Smooth Recovery after Plastic Surgery

For most patients, undergoing a cosmetic surgery is exciting and they expect the results to enhance their appearance and self-esteem. But no one really thinks about recovery – the resting, healing and compliance required after a plastic surgery procedure – where the real transformation happens. Understandably, many patients want to speed up their recovery process, enjoy the results, and return to their normal activities as soon as possible. But trying to speed up your recovery process without proper management can ruin your results. What a patient does or doesn’t do during the aftercare can make or break a surgeon’s good work. For smooth recovery after plastic surgery, follow these expert tips from NYC plastic surgeons.

Plastic Surgery

  • Choose Your Plastic Surgeon Carefully: if you are considering a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure, make sure that the plastic surgeon you choose is experienced and well-trained in the procedure. Check if he/she has the background, skills and experience to deliver a safe and effective procedure. The surgeon should have extensive training with the most current aesthetic techniques. This is very important as your recovery depends on how your surgery was performed.
  • Quit Smoking And Limit Alcohol Intake: Adopt a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake during the recovery period. A healthy lifestyle is the foundation for a seamless recovery. Smoking can hinder two things: the ability of cells to divide and grow, and the ability of white blood cells to eliminate bacteria that can lead to infections. A patient who is active and a nonsmoker can expect less risks or complications during recovery.
  • Keep A Check On Your Nutrition: Pay attention to your diet before and after the procedure. Maintain a healthy diet by eating a balanced healthy diet that includes dark leafy greens along with pineapple and vitamin C-rich foods. It will strengthen your metabolism and will help you heal faster. Foods that might cause gas, such as cabbage and beans, should be avoided. Avoid processed, fried and salty foods. Try to eat small portions throughout the day and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  • Prevent Infection: Keep the surgical site clean to prevent infection. It is not advisable to take a shower, but you can sponge bath your arms, legs, and face without removing the compression garment. Take care to see that the compression garment does not get wet.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Most procedures require patients to refrain from any strenuous activities. Avoid activities like heavy lifting for few weeks after the procedure. Give your body enough time to heal.
  • Take Proper Rest: Lack of sleep will increase your cortisol levels and impair healing, therefore take proper rest by sleeping. Ideally, arrange for someone to help with household activities, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your children, among other things.
  • Don’t scratch the site: It is normal to experience slight discomfort – such as tingling, burning, aches and pains in the surgical areas which can occur for weeks to months – as it typically represents recovery of sensory nerves of these areas. Never scratch those areas. Ask your surgeon for mediation or moisturizer to help with excessive itching.
  • Stay Active: Patients need to stay active post-surgery by having a light walk and slowly increasing activity every day. Take care not to overdo it.
  • Compression Garments are a “MUST”: Wear the compression garment as recommended by your surgeon for the first few days post-op. This will help reduce swelling, prevent fluid accumulation, promote faster healing, and have a positive impact on the outcome.
  • Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions Diligently: Only use products that your surgeon recommends. Follow your post-treatment care sheet for safer recovery. Contact your surgeon immediately if you notice anything unusual.

Though every patient and procedure are different, many variables can affect how much recovery time you can expect after a surgical procedure. The good news is that you can significantly impact your recovery process by carefully following all of the surgical team’s post-operative instructions.

Choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice for a safe and comfortable treatment experience. Reliable surgeons in an accredited New York plastic surgery practice will tailor the recovery process to your individual needs depending on your overall health and the type of procedure you have, as well as your reaction to the surgery.