How Soon can Patients Resume Challenging Activities and Exercise after VASER Lipo?


VASER Lipo in NYC is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure that utilizes ultrasound energy to remove stubborn fat safely and efficiently from areas such as the abdomen, back, breasts, buttocks, face, flanks, hips, neck, knees and upper arms. Unlike other body contouring techniques, VASER Lipo is distinctive as it can remove targeted fat without harming … Read More about the VASER Lipo

How Long will the Results of Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Last?

Brazilian Butt Lift

An increasing number of women in NYC are opting to have Brazilian butt lift (BBL) to achieve an attractive posterior without the complications of implants. This cosmetic surgical procedure involves removing fat from other body areas via liposuction and using it to improve the buttock shape and volume. Skilled NYC surgeons perform the procedure under local anesthesia… Read More about Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery