Recovery Timeline For Tummy Tuck Surgery

More and more men and women are opting to get a tummy tuck in Manhattan to get rid of belly fat and achieve a trim, streamlined shape. This plastic surgery procedure removes stubborn fat and tightens the skin in the abdominal region. However, most people are not sure about what to expect during the recovery period. How you recover depends on various factors and it may take several weeks to six months to return to routine, especially if you have a physically demanding job.

Tummy Tuck

Plastic surgeons in Manhattan will give you specific instructions to follow and following them will help speed recovery and also maximize results. Let’s take a look at what you should expect at each stage of recovery.

Recovery Timeline

NYC plastic surgeons provide both invasive using traditional surgical techniques and minimally invasive tummy tucks using advanced liposuction techniques. Though minimally invasive procedures are performed using local anesthesia, it can take time to recover. Carefully follow your surgeon’s instructions on post-surgical care, which will include:

  • Wearing the compression garments for the recommended period of time
  • Staying hydrated
  • Gentle walking to reduce swelling
  • Taking proper care of incision site
  • Taking prescribed medications correctly
  • Sleeping on your back with your upper body lifted at a slight angle

On the Day of the Procedure


However, on the day of the surgery, you might feel pain and discomfort. Your surgeon might prescribe a painkiller for reducing the pain. Side effects that are normal and you should expect soon after the procedure are:

  • Feeling tender and swollen
  • Low-grade fever
  • Feeling tight and numb at the site
  • Chances for constipation
  • A mix of euphoria, fear and exhaustion

Not Normal:

There are certain things that you should watch out for and inform your surgeon about if you experience them:

  • Temperature higher than 101.5 degrees F
  • Oozing from open incision
  • Leg pain
  • Trouble breathing
  • Presence of an excessive amount of blood in the drains

One to two/three weeks post Tummy Tuck

In the initial days, walk only for a few minutes in order to avoid swelling. You can gradually increase the time for walking based on how fast you heal.

You might experience some difficulty during the initial days due to heavy drainage from site. In addition, you might also feel difficulty bending, lifting and standing for a longer period. Your surgeon will recommend wear a compression garment all through the initial days. You should take the antibiotics and anti-coagulation medication prescribed. It’s also important to follow the recommended diet, which would include low-sodium content food to reduce inflammation and foods containing soluble fiber to avoid constipation.

Avoid alcohol, smoking and exposure to the sun. Some patients feel some pain and tenderness even after one week. Let’s see what’s considered normal and what’s not:


  • Getting lymphatic drainage/scar tissue massages after drain removal
  • Bruising subsides but some swelling persists

However, the following things are not normal:

  • Fever
  • Altered mental status
  • Rashes
  • Respiratory issues
  • Severe pain
  • Excessive swelling
  • Discoloration across the tummy
  • Red incisions

If you experience any of these effects, inform your surgeon.

If you are in a desk job, you may be able to resume work during this post-surgery phase. However, people doing physically demanding jobs would have to wait longer.

One Month After the Operation

You need keep your follow-up appointments with your surgeon. After checking your health as well as curing status on the incision site, your surgeon will give the green signal for resuming things like holding your kids, exercise, sleeping on your stomach,and more. As the muscles are still in the process of repair, you will be advised on the exercises you can do and avoid.

After one month, the patients often feel more comfortable. Majority of the swelling and other side effects would have subsided. Patients can return to their normal life style. The changes in abdominal contour would be more visible than before.

The scars in the procedure site may be still visible, but can be reduced using the recommended gels.

At the same time, it’s not normal if you still feel pain and the incisions have not healed even after one month. Contact your surgeon immediately if you notice things like this.

After Six Weeks

When you achieve the six week milestone, the wound would almost healed and you can return to your normal lifestyle. You can engage in all the activities you want. By this time, your recovery will be complete and the changes in your body contour would be clearly visible.

Tips for Smooth Recovery after Tummy Tuck

While you should know about what to expect during the recovery phase, it would be wise to follow these tips for speedy recovery:

  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Take proper rest and relax
  • Wear the compression garment
  • Maintain good hygiene especially in the incision site
  • Stay in touch with your surgeon and nursing assistants
  • Do not rush into the normal activities
  • Follow a proper diet
  • Prepare for emotional ups and downs.

Tummy Tuck surgery in New York City is performed by experienced plastic surgeons. They would give you proper guidance at each stage of the procedure for both before and after. Trust your surgeon and follow the instructions carefully for a comfortable surgical experience and optimal results.

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