Popularity of Plastic Surgery Surges with the Use of 3D Technology

Wouldn’t you want to really see the changes you can expect after your plastic surgery procedure? Well, advanced 3D technology has made this possible as seen in this Wall Street Journal video report. You don’t have to depend only on before and after pictures of other patients to imagine the outcome. The 3D imaging system allows you see what exactly your face or body will look like before you have your procedure. What’s more, 3-D technology also helps the surgeon make more precise incisions.

This is how 3D works: an image of the area to be treated is taken with a CT (computed tomography) device. The 3D printer analyzes the image data and creates a precise model for the patient to see. In addition to enhancing patient confidence, this innovative technology is sure to improve their participation in the process. The 3D images complement 2D images and show both the positives and negatives of the procedures, helping patients make the right choice. At the same time, it also allows plastic surgeons to plan more precise interventions and to reassure the patient about the outcome.

One of the popular 3D technologies used by reliable cosmetic surgeons around the globe is Axis Three technology. Dr. Spero J Theodorou, MD, the Surgical Director of bodySCULPT® plastic surgery center in Manhattan utilizes this advanced simulation system to plan and execute breast augmentation procedures. The technology is ideal for the pre-operative planning of breast implant surgery and fat transfer augmentation procedures. Axis Three’s scanner provides high quality, anatomically-accurate, 3D images of the patient’s torso so as to simulate breast surgery results. Patients can try different sized breast implants and see the likely outcomes to make the right choice.

Used in fat transfer breast enhancement, this technology helps the surgeon to estimate the amount of fat required for enhancement. Up to six simulations can be shown at one time and compared side by side at any angle. Other such imaging technologies currently in use include the TouchView system and the VECTRA 3D imaging system.

The use of 3D in plastic surgery reduces the risk of reoperation and makes the whole experience a more pleasant one for the patient. It helps the surgeon understand the patient’s expectations and provide customized procedure to help them achieve their goals. It also helps in the planning on future interventions.

Relieving patient anxiety and allowing greater surgical accuracy, new 3D technology is making plastic surgery more popular than ever.