Key Facts to Know About Breast Reduction Surgery in NYC

Excessively large breasts can be a burden for women, causing physical discomfort and emotional distress. The condition can restrict them from playing their favorite sports or engaging in other physically demanding activities. Skilled NYC surgeons offer safe and effective breast reduction surgery to address these concerns. The procedure removes excess breast fat, tissue, and skin, repositions the nipples, and creates a more proportionate bust line. For a more comprehensive approach to breast reshaping, skilled surgeons combine breast reduction with a scarless breast lift in NYC, addressing both size and sagging concerns to improve overall appearance.

Breast Reduction Surgery in NYC

Breast reduction surgery addresses the challenges associated with excessively large breasts in both men and women. In women, the procedure creates a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing bust line. In men, it treats gynecomastia—a condition characterized by enlarged breast tissue—resulting in a flatter, firmer, and more masculine chest. In this blog, we focus on breast reduction surgery for women.

Ten Facts about Breast Reduction for Women

  1. You need to be a good candidate: To be a candidate for breast reduction, you must be in good physical health, old enough, and have fully developed breasts. You need to be a non-smoker or quit at least 2 weeks before the surgery, and have realistic expectations.
  2. Losing weight before the procedure can help: If you are overweight, your surgeon will likely recommend that you shed a few pounds. Additional fat could make the procedure more difficult. Another justification is that reducing weight will also help losing some breast fat.
  3. There may be scarring: To remove extra tissue, fat, and skin and contour the breasts, incisions are made around the areola and down each breast, which can cause some scarring. Typically, the areola and nipple join to protect the blood supply. Surgery has no impact on nipple feeling. The nipples, however, may need to be taken out and reattached in a higher position. Doing this can provide the ideal size with minimal scarring.
  4. Possible side-effects: Possible side-effects associated with the procedure include:
    • Change in nipple sensation – Some people may experience increased or reduced sensitivity in one or both nipples, while others notice only small changes or don’t notice any change. However, these side-effects will ease as you heal.
    • Asymmetry – A certain degree of breast asymmetry is a natural feature. However, breast reduction surgery improves symmetry and gives your body a more proportionate contour.
  5. The outcomes are gratifying and long-lasting: Following surgery, you will notice lighter breasts, which will significantly improve your quality of life. In fact, many patients report feeling quite satisfied for months or even years after the treatment. Future pregnancies, however, could change the size, shape, and overall appearance of your breasts if you do decide to have more kids.
  6. Breast reduction has a high satisfaction rating: As the procedure addresses cosmetic concerns and also relieves excruciating back, neck, and shoulder pain and deep shoulder grooves, patient satisfaction with the results is high.
  7. Outpatient procedure: Breast reduction surgery in New York City is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia using minimally invasive techniques. However, you should have someone to drive you home from the hospital and to stay with you there overnight.
  8. Recovery takes time: Some pain and tenderness in the breasts is common post-op. So be prepared to take time off work and other routine activities. Taking at least a week off from work is recommended to allow the body to recuperate. Your surgeon will also recommend wearing specially designed garments to support healing.
  9. Avoid strenuous activities until healing is complete: Avoid the gym and strenuous activity for one to two months after the surgery. This includes exercising as well as smaller tasks like vacuuming or lifting heavy items.
  10. Consider the procedure in combination with other cosmetic procedures: Breast reduction may be performed in combination with the following cosmetic procedures:
    • Breast lift – A breast lift in Manhattan raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue. The procedure is performed using advanced technologies and small incisions to minimize scarring.
    • Liposuction – This procedure removes excess fat, resulting in smaller, more natural-looking breasts.

Plastic surgeons will provide personalized solutions to help you achieve the best results, but as with all cosmetic surgical procedures, it’s important to have realistic expectations. If you are considering this procedure, choose a NYC plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing it. The procedure is performed using different techniques, and an experienced surgeon will determine the best method to address your concerns based on your individual considerations, breast composition, amount of reduction desired, and your personal goals.

Struggling with big breasts? Enhance your look and look and confidence with breast reduction surgery.

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