Get Rid of Eleven Lines and Crow’s Feet with Botox Treatment

The skin on the outer corners of your eyes starts to wrinkle as you get older. These lateral canthal lines are commonly referred to as called laugh lines or crow’s feet. The “angry elevens,” are also among the most typical wrinkles to develop on the forehead and in between the eyes, and are brought on by UV damage, aging-related skin elasticity loss, and repeated facial movements. Although wrinkles are unavoidable, the good news Botox treatment reduce the visibility of wrinkles and crow’s feet, and even stop eleven lines from forming. Botox injections in NYC can help restore youthful appeal and refresh your appearance.

Botox Treatment

Causes of Crow Feet and Angry 11’s

The aging process of your skin and the appearance of crow’s feet are influenced by various factors.

  • Sun exposure: UV radiation can make you squint your eyes, eventually leading to wrinkles and lines. Extended periods of unprotected sun exposure also lead to early aging of the skin.
  • Smoking: Smoking decreases blood flow, which lowers the quantity of nutrients and oxygen that reach the skin. In addition to damaging collagen and elastin, smoking hastens the development of wrinkles and the aging process.
  • Stress: This sets off the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which are known to degrade elastin and collagen. The result could be swollen eyes, dark circles, wrinkles, and lines.
  • Natural aging process: Wrinkles will inevitably form as the skin ages and loses its flexibility. With aging, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin, which increases our vulnerability to wrinkles and lines.

How Botox Injections Can Help

Your key to a more youthful appearance and restored confidence is a neuromodulator or botulinum toxin treatment. These treatments might be your best bet if you want to diminish expression lines, reduce wrinkles, or smooth away fine lines. Botox injections momentarily relax the muscles that generate eleven lines and crow’s feet and improve the appearance of your skin.

Botox works especially well on dynamic wrinkles, which are brought on by tense muscles. The treatment lessen the appearance of wrinkles by reducing these motions. By reducing recurrent muscle contractions, Botox treatments can postpone the production of new wrinkles and prevent existing ones from getting deeper.

botox injections

Advantages of Botox Treatment

  • Nonsurgical: Botox injections are a far less invasive and risky compared to procedures like facelift surgery. Dermatologists inject small doses of Botulinum toxin into the muscles or skin using a small needle. Only a small amount of skin is numbed during the procedure. Small bruises may form occasionally, but they usually go away in a few days. The procedure only takes a few minutes to complete and soon after your shots, you should be able to resume your regular activities without any issues.
  • Improves Lines and Wrinkles:  Botox is a potent treatment that minimizes fine lines and wrinkles while stopping the development of new ones. It accomplishes this by momentarily numbing the targeted facial muscles, preventing their contraction. Botox injections work very well for furrows, forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet.
  • Enhanced Facial Appearance: Botox can significantly improve a person’s overall facial appearance. By softening wrinkles and fine lines, the treatment leaves you feeling revitalized and renewed. The usefulness of Botox injections in improving the appearance of microroughness, skin texture, and increased pores is supported by a new micro botulinum study. Up to 95% of patients who participated in the experiment reported that they were extremely satisfied with the treatment.
  • Quick Results: After receiving a Botox injection, the effects are typically noticeable quickly. After treatment, wrinkles and fine lines begin to disappear in one to three days. This makes it the perfect choice for those who wish to immediately enhance their appearance. Any side effects, such as mild bruising, swelling, or redness, often go away in a few hours or days. Three to four months is the average duration of results, and long-lasting results can be achieved with routine follow-up injections.
  • Increase Self Confidence: Many people feel self-conscious and less confident about their appearance when signs of aging begin to show. One advantage of getting Botox is that it can boost your confidence by addressing lines and wrinkles, the early signs of aging. It boosts your confidence by revitalizing your skin and making you feel and look your best.

Ready to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and eleven lines?

Contact us today

Not only do Botox injections reduce wrinkles, but they can also help stop new ones from appearing. Botox injections in NYC are administered by experts in the field, with effects lasting for three to four months.