bodySCULPT®, based in Manhattan, NYC, is pleased to announce the launch of EmbraceRF, a breakthrough, one-time minimally invasive facial contouring solution from InMode. Leading NYC plastic surgeon and founder of bodySCULPT® Dr Spero Theodorou along with top physicians Drs Bruce Katz and Christopher Khorsandi, will host a panel to unveil the new EmbraceRF procedure and share scientific advances and techniques at the 14th annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Conference on June 6th 2018. The conference is being held June 6-10, 2018 at the Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada. .

EmbraceRF combines two innovative modalities from InMode’s line of benchmark radiofrequency technologies – FaceTite and Morpheus8 – to provide impressive results for rejuvenating the lower face and neck.
The EmbraceRF technique was developed by Dr. Spero Theodorou of bodySCULPT and Dr. Paolo Rovatti with Inmode’s, proprietary technology Morpheus8 and FaceTite. Morpheus8 is FDA-approved for up to a depth of 4mm. FaceTite utilizes RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis) to provide superior internal and external liposuction and strategic remodeling of the fibrous tissues. EmbraceRF provides surgical-quality results without scars or downtime.
As the only technology that allows subdermal adipose remodelling (SARD) of the face, EmbraceRF addresses a treatment gap in current modalities offered to patients. This new concept of facial rejuvenation can only be performed consistently and safely using the synergistic combination FaceTite and Morpheus8. This single, one-time procedure removes fat, treats both superficial and deep tissues, and tightens the skin in the neck and jowls, while retaining the youthful fullness of the face. It is ideal for anyone who has skin laxity with or without underlying fat concerns.
EmbraceRF provides physicians and patients with the possibility to achieve surgical-quality, permanent results in a 45 minute procedure under local anesthesia in the office. With only a down time of 48 hours, or a long weekend, patients can return to their daily activities quickly.
Physicians can visit InMode at booth #423 at the 14th annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery Conference for more information.