Correct Breast Asymmetry With Breast Lift Surgery

Breast sagginess is a common aesthetic concern among most women. Saggy breasts can occur due to several factors like aging, massive weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Breast lift in New York City is an effective procedure that can address sagginess and provide women with firm, perkier breasts. Also called mastopexy, the procedure tightens the tissues and removes excess skin. The treatment may also include repositioning the nipple and areola.

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery performed using BodyTite uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin. Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction promotes the production of subsurface collagen fibers that help improve skin texture. Key benefits of the procedure include –

  • Resolves droopiness due to aging or breastfeeding
  • Tightens the loose skin and muscles around the breasts.
  • Restores a perky bust line
  • Removes excess breast skin

When to Consider Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift surgery in New York City is an effective option if you have one or more of the following concerns –

  • Asymmetric breasts
  • Sagging breasts
  • Nipples point downward
  • Nipples and areolae fall below the breast crease
  • Stretched areolae

BodyTite Scarless Breast Lift

BodyTite™ is a minimally invasive RF-assisted FDA-approved that NYC plastic surgeons use to perform a scarless breast lift. It provides immediate, natural-looking results with reduced risk and downtime. A small incision is made in to the breast skin through which the BodyTite cannula is inserted into the treatment site. The device’s electrode and cannula work together to deliver radiofrequency energy, resulting in immediate skin contraction at the surface of the skin, while simultaneously increasing the production of collagen to improve skin’s structure and tightening the skin.

Preparing for Breast Lift Surgery

It is important for the patients to discuss their present and past medical conditions with their surgeon, including if they have a family history of breast cancer. They should also discuss their expectations from this procedure and clearly understand its potential risks and benefits, including the level of scarring and other changes that may occur to the nipples and breasts. Other preparation tips –

  • Stop taking aspirin or other blood thinners a few weeks before the treatment.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper diet, exercise and sleep.
  • Arrange for transportation home and also for someone to help you following surgery.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking it can reduce the flow of blood into the skin, cause complications, and delay healing.

Though the BodyTite breast lift does involve not involve deep incisions, there may be slight bruises around the incision which will fade away in a few weeks. Avoid straining, bending and lifting. Your surgeon will recommend sleeping on the back or sideways to keep pressure off the breasts. You will need wear a post-surgical bra for the first few days and then switch to soft support sports bra for three to four weeks. Most patients get back their routine after a few days. Leading a healthy lifestyle is important to retain your results.

Women who are considering a scarless breast lift in NYC must choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices that offers the services of plastic surgeons who are skilled in the procedure. An expert plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC will evaluate your anatomical considerations and provide customized treatment to help you achieve attractive, natural looking results.