Considering Breast Augmentation? Know Your Options

considering breast augmentation know your options
Spring is a time of rejuvenation. Women have breast augmentation in NYC and other plastic surgery procedures in spring to rejuvenate their bodies and look their best as they welcome summer, the time for beaches, bathing suits, sundresses, outdoor parties, and vacations.

Breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty is an ideal option for women who want fuller and perkier breasts, correct breasts that differ in size and shape, or restore breast volume and firmness lost due to excessive weight loss, pregnancy, aging, or other reasons. This procedure continues to be the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure among women across the globe.  It retained its position as the top cosmetic surgical procedure in 2017. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), up to 300,378 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 2017, up 3 percent from 2016.

Leading plastic surgery practices offering breast augmentation in NYC offer two options: implant surgery and composite breast augmentation which combines implants and fat transfer. Women can choose the option that will work best to meet their aesthetic goals. Breast enhancement is also performed to reconstruct the breast following mastectomy.

Breast implant surgery is performed using various types of FDA approved implants, which are placed behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle. They also come in different sizes and shapes such as tear-drop, or round and with textured and smooth surfaces to fit any woman’s breasts and body type.

The types of breast implants, available at leading plastic surgery practices in NYC include:

  • Saline: These implants have a thin silicone outer shell that is filled with a saline solution or sterile salt water after placement in the breast pocket. Saline implants need only a small surgical incision to insert. They are available to women 18 years of age and older for breast augmentation and for breast reconstruction. Saline implants are also used in revision surgeries, which correct or improve the result of an original surgery. If a saline implant breaks, the saline would be absorbed by the body.

However, the main drawbacks of saline implants are that they are more likely to ripple or fold within the implant pocket, and the edges may be visible underneath the skin’s surface, particularly in women with thin skin and / or little body fat.

  • Silicone: These implants come pre-filled with silicone gel, a medical-grade, viscous material which makes them look and feel more like natural breast tissue. They are meant for women aged 22 and older for breast augmentation and for breast reconstruction.

A study found that silicone breast implants remain preferred more than saline breast implants. According to the ASPS, silicone implants were used in 87% and saline implants in 13% of breast augmentations performed in 2017. This is because with silicone-gel breast implants, there is less wrinkling or rippling, and more importantly, they offer natural-looking outcomes.

  • Gummy bear: These are highly cohesive silicone gel implants, made of high-strength silicone gel. These form-stable implants maintain their shape even when cut in half. They are less likely to wrinkle, fold, or ripple. Moreover, as they are filled with thick silicone gel, chances for leakage are minimal. Besides breast enhancement, these cohesive gel implants are used in breast lift and revision augmentation procedures. The specific benefits that these implants offer include
    • Best possible proportions
    • Natural looking results
    • Minimal risk of capsular contracture
    • Less scar tissue
    • Increased longevity
    • Lower chances of leakage, rippling and rupture
  • IDEAL: A relatively new option, the IDEAL implant offers a natural feel along with the safety of saline inside. It comes with a series of implant shells nested together and have two separate chambers that are filled with saline. It is uniquely designed to reduce collapse and wrinkling, which cause rupture and deflation. With the structured IDEAL implant, there is no need of an MRI to detect rupture. Breakage is easily detected by just looking in the mirror and the saline is safely absorbed by the body. The key benefits of the IDEAL implant are as follows:
    • FDA approved implants for use with remarkable safety and efficiency
    • Innovative design arrived after years of research and testing
    • Edges are low and closer to the ribs thus enhancing the natural curve of the chest wall
    • Multi-layered implants provide better stability
    • No fear of capsular contracture and wrinkling.
    • No worry about risk of silent rupture
    • No inconvenience of MRI scans every 2 years
    • Available in a range of sizes

However, composite breast augmentation combines implants with fat transfer to provide a softer and more natural look and feel.

If you are looking for breast augmentation or any other plastic surgery in NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices with surgeons who are experts in performing breast implant surgery. In such practices, you can expect the physicians to use 3D imaging in the consultation. These state-of-the-art platforms allow the surgeon to show you what you will look like after the procedure. You can try various implant options, preview the results, and take an informed decision.