Enhancing your confidence and achieving your dream look is easier than ever with advanced cosmetic procedures like breast augmentation. Whether you’re considering this surgery to restore volume after pregnancy or to achieve a more proportionate figure, it’s essential to approach it with thorough preparation. Women opting for breast augmentation surgery in NYC often have questions about the procedure, implants used, recovery, and more. Consulting a skilled plastic surgeon and asking the right questions can help you make informed decisions and feel confident about your choice.
Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon before Getting Breast Augmentation
- Can you tell me about your qualifications, certifications, and how much experience you have in breast augmentation?
Choose a well-qualified and skilled plastic surgeon. The surgeon should have extensive experience in using the latest aesthetic techniques. There are different methods involved in breast augmentation surgery and only a specialist in the field can achieve consistently good results for patients. Schedule a consultation and discuss your aesthetic goals with your surgeon.
- What are the risks and complications assisted with this procedure?
It’s important to consider both the benefits and risks associated with the procedure and ask your surgeon about it. Most importantly, how the surgeon would handle those risks is significant. Anesthesia risks, bleeding, infection, and scarring can be expected. But we can reduce these risks by selecting a surgeon with excellent expertise in this procedure. One of the risks, capsular contracture (hard and painful scar tissue that forms around the breast implant) is a frequent post-op complication. You can ask your surgeon how often he/she deals with these issues. They can provide you with good postoperative tips that will help minimize complications.
- Am I a good candidate for this procedure, if yes, what type of implant size will work best for me?
Your surgeon would discuss details with you such as medical history, aesthetic desires, and many others to determine the candidature. By examining those, an expert can determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. If you have a health problem that might make it unsafe for you to undergo the procedure, the surgeon may not advise the same. In that case, your surgeon would explain that the risks outweigh the benefits of surgery. If you are found to be a candidate, then the next thing is to decide which implant size would be best for you.
- Which implant and technique is right for me, where will the implant be placed, and what kind of scarring should I expect?
Normally four types of implants are available – saline, silicone, gummy bear and IDEAL implants. Depending on each individual, implants can vary. The implant size that works for you may not work for your friend. Your surgeon would obtain information on your overall build, chest circumference, shoulder width, height, weight, and current breast size as well to decide what type of implant suits you. Implants can be placed above or below the chest muscle. The best placement will depend on the implant type and the amount of natural breast tissue present. Scarring after a breast augmentation is generally mild, although it will remain visible, so discuss with your surgeon about the scars you should expect.
- What is the recovery time expected and how long implants remain safely?
Most women return to work and light activity within one week after this procedure. You will be given specific postoperative instructions and a follow-up appointment by your plastic surgeon. There’s no such thing called expiration date for an implant, but if a saline implant breaks, then breast size would decrease and women may opt to restore that volume for aesthetic reasons. You may be asked to take an MRI scan every few years just to ensure the implant is right in position. The FDA recommends medical imaging to verify the implant’s integrity beginning at three years and every two years after that.
- Can I Breastfeed After the Procedure?
For women planning to have children in the future, breastfeeding is a common concern. In most cases, it is possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation. However, the ability to do so may depend on the type of incision and placement of the implants. Discussing your plans with your surgeon ensures the technique aligns with your future goals.
- How can I prepare for breast augmentation surgery?
Proper preparation is key to a smooth procedure and recovery. Your surgeon’s recommendations would Include things like:
- Undergo blood tests and a mammogram, if required
- Stop smoking
- Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements to reduce bleeding risks
- Take medications as advised
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
- Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery
- Plan for post-surgery assistance with daily activities
Choosing to undergo breast augmentation surgery in NYC is a deeply personal decision that requires thorough research and planning. By asking detailed questions during your consultation, you can ensure your surgeon is the right fit and gain clarity about the procedure, recovery, and results. With the guidance of a skilled surgeon, you can achieve a beautiful, natural-looking enhancement and feel confident in your decision and he can also help determine the best time to get the treatment.
Take the first step toward achieving your ideal look-schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon today!