ASDS Survey Captures Consumer Feedback on Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic ProceduresMany physicians use social media to interact more effectively with patients and the general public. And just like any other business, they use feedback from surveys to understand the consumer mindset so that they can communicate more effectively with them online. A recent survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) that covered 7,300 consumers effectively captured their thoughts about cosmetic procedures. Such information is extremely useful for plastic surgeons to develop timely and relevant content for people seeking information online.

The results of the ASDS survey were released in August 2015 and the highlights as reported by Cosmetic Surgery Times are follows:

  • Five in 10 of the people surveyed said they were considering some kind of cosmetic procedure.
  • When selecting a practitioner, consumers’ prime considerations are the specialty in which the practitioner is board-certified and cost of the treatment.
  • Up to 66% of the respondents reported most preferred procedures as ultrasound, light, radiofrequency and laser treatments for skin tightening and wrinkles.
  • Laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, and laser and light treatments for redness, tone and scarring were among the other popular choices.
  • While about 88% reported excessive weight as their major concern, 72% said they were bothered by skin texture and discoloration.
  • Forehead lines and wrinkles, glabellar lines, crow’s feet, mid-face and cheek area lines and wrinkles, sagging facial skin and excess fat around the neck were major aesthetic concerns for more than half of the respondents.
  • The desire to look young, appear more attractive and feel more confident was among the three top reasons for choosing to have cosmetic procedures.

For plastic surgeons, the information that half of those surveyed said they are considering cosmetic procedures is extremely useful. Conveying this information via social media will go a long way in increasing people’s confidence to go in for cosmetic surgery.

However, the Cosmetic Surgery Times report mentions that a marketing expert finds it disconcerting that 45% of the respondents mention cost as a prime consideration when selecting a provider. This seems to indicate that cosmetic procedures have become commoditized. Doctors can change this using social media to educate patients about the need to consider the reliability of the provider and their own safety over cost. According to the expert, cosmetic surgeons can eliminate price as a determining factor by effectively communicating their credibility, experience and trustworthiness via social media.