Who Is An Ideal Candidate For A Fat Transfer Procedure?

Fat transfer or autologous fat grafting is a widely used technique in both aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedures. This natural solution involves harvesting excess fat from one area of the patient’s body and using it to improve another area that needs enhancement. While the fat removed during body contouring cannot be transferred from one person to another, it can be moved to another area of the patient’s body. Fat transfer in NYC can smooth out wrinkles and improve areas that loose volume with aging, by transferring fat from one part of your body to another. This safe procedure can provide attractive, natural-looking results when performed by an expert plastic surgeon.

Fat Transfer

Transform with confidence and embrace your natural beauty with Fat Transfer in NYC!

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Areas that Fat Transfer in NYC can Transform

Procedures that utilize fat transfer include facial rejuvenation, buttock augmentation/reconstruction, hand rejuvenation, and scar revision. Fat grafting is also used to address contour irregularities in areas that have undergone liposuction or other surgical procedures, and to improve the outcomes of breast implant surgery. It is an ideal option to:

  • Augment the cheeks
  • Address voids and hollows in the skin
  • Provide a modest improvement in breast size
  • Improve results of breast implant surgery
  • Smooth out wrinkles, laugh lines, or crow’s feet
  • Provide volume to a thin face
  • Rejuvenate aging hands

Fat transfer begins with liposuction to harvest fat from various areas of the body where it is available in abundance. Common donor sites include the abdomen, thighs, and hips. Here are four cosmetic surgical procedures that use fat grafting:

  • Brazilian butt lift (BBL): The Brazilian Butt Lift in NYC is an excellent example of autologous fat grafting.

    fat transfer

BBL uses the patient’s own fat to provide a fuller, curvaceous buttock. It is an ideal option for women who want to avoid butt implants and are looking for a small to moderate size improvement. Leading NYC plastic surgeons provide BBL under local anesthesia (BBLULA), which reduces recuperation time. Fat transfer butt lift surgery offers two benefits: removal of excess fat from problem areas and enhancement of buttocks that have volume deficiencies or other imperfections. Other benefits include: reduces the chance of allergic reactions caused by insertion of foreign materials, natural, long lasting results, and short down time.

  • Facial rejuvenation: Fat grafts are used to restore volume and rejuvenate the face. It can address hollowed cheeks, sunken temples, under-eye circles, and thinning lips, providing a natural and long-lasting enhancement to the facial features.
  • Composite breast augmentation: Composite breast augmentation merges breast implants with fat transfer to achieve a softer and more natural appearance. This procedure effectively addresses breast deformities, enhances breast symmetry, and achieves the desired volume for a more aesthetically pleasing outcome. This procedure involves injecting autologous fat over the implant and offers the advantages of improved projection, better cleavage and a softer, natural look. However, if you have poor skin, sagging breasts, and want a significant increase in breast size, you may not benefit from fat transfer for breast augmentation.
  • Fat transfer to hips: This body contouring procedure injects autologous fat into the hips to enhance their contour. The procedure helps to increase the width of the hips and results in a better hip-to-waist ratio.

Want to learn more?

Read our blog post on the pros and cons of fat transfer to hips.

Fat Transfer: Who is an Ideal Candidate?

fat transfer candidates

Here are the criteria you need to meet to be a suitable candidate for fat transfer:

  • Have sufficient fat in the donor sites
  • Be in good health
  • Not have any circulation problems from a medical condition
  • Do not smoke, or are prepared to quit smoking for several weeks prior to and after the procedure
  • Recognize both the rewards and possible risks of the procedure
  • Are not currently pregnant or nursing
  • Have a positive attitude and realistic expectations

In order to achieve full correction of contour irregularities, some patients may need more than one session because not all of the injected fat cells will survive. So expecting a drop off of some of the fat, an experienced surgeon will probably opt to overfill the treated areas mainly buttocks with fat by a certain percentage.

Achieve a harmonious balance between fat removal and addition for stunning, natural-looking results!

Call us at 1-800-282-7285

If you are considering fat transfer in NYC, choose an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice that offer the services of well trained plastic surgeons. Surgeons who are expert in both liposuction and fat grafting can provide attractive outcomes by achieving the right balance between fat removal and addition.